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Meet Me At The Library: Penrith City Library

With many of us eagerly returning to our local library to stroll amongst those familiar shelves and cosy up in our favourite reading nook, Sydney Writers' Festival speaks to the people behind the books about their favourite reads, most treasured memories in a library and what they most looked forward to after lockdown.

This edition, we speak to Kirsty Plumridge, Outreach and Programs Librarian at Penrith City Library.

What do you love most about your library or libraries in general?

It is so exciting to be involved in SWF. We love meeting authors, listening to talks and engaging our community in the Festival.

What purpose do you feel the library serves in your community?

We are a safe space for all people. A place to gather for learning, meeting others and for accessing free resources – not just books!!

As a librarian, what do you get asked about most?

These days we offer a lot of digital support and training, so most often we are asked for assistance with scanning, printing, and accessing online content.

Favourite moment or memory in a library? 

So many memories of helping people and seeing them get excited that we have the book that they would like to read and handing it to them to take home and enjoy.

We are a safe space for all people. A place to gather for learning, meeting others and for accessing free resources – not just books!!

What is your favourite book from the last year?

I am late to the party but loved The Happiest Man on Earth by Eddie Jaku. Such a great message and an inspirational story.

What book has made the greatest impact on you?  

The Lord of the Rings trilogy were the biggest books I had ever read and were so imaginative.

What children’s or YA book do you think adults should borrow? 

The Nevermoor Series by Jessica Townsend is pure magic and should be enjoyed by anyone that loves Harry Potter.

What is the most surprising thing about your job? 

The diversity. We help people from every walk of life, from every age group and background with a wide array of needs. No day is ever the same but it is always rewarding.

What did you most look forward to enjoying once out of lockdown?

Getting close to people again, being able to smile at people without my face being hidden behind a mask and going back to the movies!

No day is ever the same but it is always rewarding.