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2020 Festival News

Farewell Michaela McGuire

At the end of August, we’ll be farewelling our Artistic Director Michaela McGuire, who after four years at the helm is leaving Sydney Writers’ Festival to return to her hometown of Melbourne, where she will take up the role of Artistic Director at Melbourne Writers Festival.

I think it’s probably clear to everyone close to SWF how much this role has meant to me and how dedicated I am to this festival and this team. But I miss my hometown terribly, and as hard as it is to say goodbye to this dream job, this feels like the right time and the right opportunity to move back.
Michaela McGuire

We thank Michaela for her tremendous artistic contribution to the Sydney Writers’ Festival. During Michaela's tenure, the Festival has well and truly cemented its place as one of the most exciting and cutting-edge literary events in the world.

We look forward to introducing you to our incoming Artistic Director, and together taking the Festival into its next chapter.